188 research outputs found

    Inter-areal coordination of columnar architectures during visual cortical development

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    The occurrence of a critical period of plasticity in the visual cortex has long been established, yet its function in normal development is not fully understood. Here we show that as the late phase of the critical period unfolds, different areas of cat visual cortex develop in a coordinated manner. Orientation columns in areas V1 and V2 become matched in size in regions that are mutually connected. The same age trend is found for such regions in the left and right brain hemisphere. Our results indicate that a function of critical period plasticity is to progressively coordinate the functional architectures of different cortical areas - even across hemispheres.Comment: 30 pages, 1 table, 6 figure

    Daily mixed visual experience that prevents amblyopia in cats does not always allow the development of good binocular depth perception

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    Kittens reared with mixed daily visual input that consists of episodes of normal (binocular) exposure followed by abnormal (monocular) exposure can develop normal visual acuity in both eyes if the length of the former exposure exceeds a critical amount. However, later studies of the tuning of cells in primary visual cortex of animals reared in this manner revealed that their responses to interocular differences in phase were not reliable suggesting that their binocular depth perception may not be normal. We examined this possibility in 3 kittens reared with mixed daily visual exposure (2 hrs binocular vision followed by 5 hrs monocular exposure) that allowed development of normal visual acuity in both eyes. Measurements made of the threshold differences in depth that could be perceived under monocular and binocular viewing revealed a 10-fold superiority of binocular over monocular depth thresholds in one animal while the depth thresholds of the other two animals were poor and there was no binocular superiority. Thus, there was evidence that only one animal possessed stereopsis while the other two were likely stereoblind. While 2 hrs of daily binocular vision protected against the development of amblyopia, the poor outcome with respect to stereopsis points to the need for additional measures to promote binocular vision

    Natural scene statistics and the structure of orientation maps in the visual cortex

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    Visual activity after eye-opening influences feature map structure in primary visual cortex (V1). For instance, rearing cats in an environment of stripes of one orientation yields an over-representation of that orientation in V1. However, whether such changes also affect the higher-order statistics of orientation maps is unknown. A statistical bias of orientation maps in normally raised animals is that the probability of the angular difference in orientation preference between each pair of points in the cortex depends on the angle of the line joining those points relative to a fixed but arbitrary set of axes. Natural images show an analogous statistical bias; however, whether this drives the development of comparable structure in V1 is unknown. We examined these statistics for normal, stripe-reared and dark-reared cats, and found that the biases present were not consistently related to those present in the input, or to genetic relationships. We compared these results with two computational models of orientation map development, an analytical model and a Hebbian model. The analytical model failed to reproduce the experimentally observed statistics. In the Hebbian model, while orientation difference statistics could be strongly driven by the input, statistics similar to those seen in experimental maps arose only when symmetry breaking was allowed to occur spontaneously. These results suggest that these statistical biases of orientation maps arise primarily spontaneously, rather than being governed by either input statistics or genetic mechanisms

    Effects of digesting chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans on plasticity in cat primary visual cortex

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    Monocular deprivation (MD) during a critical period of postnatal development produces significant changes in the anatomy and physiology of the visual cortex, and the deprived eye becomes amblyopic. Extracellular matrix molecules have a major role in restricting plasticity such that the ability to recover from MD decreases with age. Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) act as barriers to cell migration and axon growth. Previous studies showing that degradation of CSPGs by the bacterial enzyme chondroitinase can restore plasticity in the adult rat visual cortex suggest a potential treatment for amblyopia. Here MD was imposed in cats from the start of the critical period until 3.5 months of age. The deprived eye was reopened, the functional architecture of the visual cortex was assessed by optical imaging of intrinsic signals, and chondroitinase was injected into one hemisphere. Imaging was repeated 1 and 2 weeks postinjection, and visually evoked potentials (VEPs) and single-cell activity were recorded. Immunohistochemistry showed that digestion of CSPGs had been successful. After 2 weeks of binocular exposure, some recovery of deprived-eye responses occurred when chondroitinase had been injected into the hemisphere contralateral to that eye; when injected into the ipsilateral hemisphere, no recovery was seen. Deprived-eye VEPs were no larger in the injected hemisphere than in the opposite hemisphere. The small number of neurons dominated by the deprived eye exhibited poor tuning characteristics. These results suggest that despite structural effects of chondroitinase in adult cat V1, plasticity was not sufficiently restored to enable significant functional recovery of the deprived eye

    The Effect of Interocular Phase Difference on Perceived Contrast

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    Binocular vision is traditionally treated as two processes: the fusion of similar images, and the interocular suppression of dissimilar images (e.g. binocular rivalry). Recent work has demonstrated that interocular suppression is phase-insensitive, whereas binocular summation occurs only when stimuli are in phase. But how do these processes affect our perception of binocular contrast? We measured perceived contrast using a matching paradigm for a wide range of interocular phase offsets (0–180°) and matching contrasts (2–32%). Our results revealed a complex interaction between contrast and interocular phase. At low contrasts, perceived contrast reduced monotonically with increasing phase offset, by up to a factor of 1.6. At higher contrasts the pattern was non-monotonic: perceived contrast was veridical for in-phase and antiphase conditions, and monocular presentation, but increased a little at intermediate phase angles. These findings challenge a recent model in which contrast perception is phase-invariant. The results were predicted by a binocular contrast gain control model. The model involves monocular gain controls with interocular suppression from positive and negative phase channels, followed by summation across eyes and then across space. Importantly, this model—applied to conditions with vertical disparity—has only a single (zero) disparity channel and embodies both fusion and suppression processes within a single framework

    Groundwater ages, recharge conditions and hydrochemical evolution of a barrier island freshwater lens (Spiekeroog, Northern Germany)

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    Freshwater lenses below barrier islands are dynamic systems affected by changes in morphodynamic patterns, groundwater recharge and discharge. They are also vulnerable to pollution and overabstraction of groundwater. Basic knowledge on hydrogeological and hydrochemical processes of freshwater lenses is important to ensure a sustainable water management, especially when taking into account possible effects of climate change. This is the first study which gives a compact overview on the age distribution, recharge conditions and hydrochemical evolution of a barrier island freshwater lens in the southern North Sea (Spiekeroog Island, Eastfrisian Wadden Sea). Two ground- and surface water sampling campaigns were carried out in May and July 2011, supplemented by monthly precipitation sampling from July to October. 3H–3He ages, stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes and major ion concentrations show that the freshwater lens reaches a depth of 44 mbsl, where an aquitard constrains further expansion in vertical direction. Groundwater ages are increasing from 4.4 years in 12 mbsl up to >70 years at the freshwater– saltwater interface. Stable isotope signatures reflect average local precipitation signatures. An annual recharge rate of 300–400 mm was calculated with 3H–3He data. Freshwater is primarily of Na–Ca–Mg–HCO3– and Ca–Na–HCO3–Cl type, while lowly mineralized precipitation and saltwater are of Na–Cl types. A trend towards heavier stable isotope signatures and higher electric conductivities in the shallower, younger groundwater within the freshwater lens may indicate increasing atmospheric temperatures in the last 30 years

    Interactions between Surround Suppression and Interocular Suppression in Human Vision

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    Several types of suppression phenomena have been observed in the visual system. For example, the ability to detect a target stimulus is often impaired when the target is embedded in a high-contrast surround. This contextual modulation, known as surround suppression, was formerly thought to occur only in the periphery. Another type of suppression phenomena is interocular suppression, in which the sensitivity to a monocular target is reduced by a superimposed mask in the opposite eye. Here, we explored how the two types of suppression operating across different spatial regions interact with one another when they simultaneously exert suppressive influences on a common target presented at the fovea. In our experiments, a circular target grating presented to the fovea of one eye was suppressed interocularly by a noise pattern of the same size in the other eye. The foveal stimuli were either shown alone or surrounded by a monocular annular grating. The orientation and eye-of-origin of the surround grating were varied. We found that the detection of the foveal target subjected to interocular suppression was severely impaired by the addition of the surround grating, indicating strong surround suppression in the fovea. In contrast, when the interocular suppression was released by superimposing a binocular fusion ring onto both the target and the dichoptic mask, the surround suppression effect was found to be dramatically decreased. In addition, the surround suppression was found to depend on the contrast of the dichoptic noise with the greatest surround suppression effect being obtained only when the noise contrast was at an intermediate level. These findings indicate that surround suppression and interocular suppression are not independent of each other, but there are strong interactions between them. Moreover, our results suggest that strong surround suppression may also occur at the fovea and not just the periphery

    Refinements to rodent head fixation and fluid/food control for neuroscience

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    The use of head fixation in mice is increasingly common in research, its use having initially been restricted to the field of sensory neuroscience. Head restraint has often been combined with fluid control, rather than food restriction, to motivate behaviour, but this too is now in use for both restrained and non-restrained animals. Despite this, there is little guidance on how best to employ these techniques to optimise both scientific outcomes and animal welfare. This article summarises current practices and provides recommendations to improve animal wellbeing and data quality, based on a survey of the community, literature reviews, and the expert opinion and practical experience of an international working group convened by the UK's National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs). Topics covered include head fixation surgery and post-operative care, habituation to restraint, and the use of fluid/food control to motivate performance. We also discuss some recent developments that may offer alternative ways to collect data from large numbers of behavioural trials without the need for restraint. The aim is to provide support for researchers at all levels, animal care staff, and ethics committees to refine procedures and practices in line with the refinement principle of the 3Rs

    Dorsal Visual Pathway Changes in Patients with Comitant Extropia

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    BACKGROUND: Strabismus is a disorder in which the eyes are misaligned. Persistent strabismus can lead to stereopsis impairment. The effect of strabismus on human brain is not unclear. The present study is to investigate whether the brain white structures of comitant exotropia patients are impaired using combined T1-weighted imaging and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Thirteen patients with comitant strabismus and twelve controls underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with acquisition of T1-weighted and diffusion tensor images. T1-weighted images were used to analyze the change in volume of white matter using optimized voxel-based morphology (VBM) and diffusion tensor images were used to detect the change in white matter fibers using voxel-based analysis of DTI in comitant extropia patients. VBM analysis showed that in adult strabismus, white matter volumes were smaller in the right middle occipital gyrus, right occipital lobe/cuneus, right supramarginal gyrus, right cingulate gyrus, right frontal lobe/sub-gyral, right inferior temporal gyrus, left parahippocampa gyrus, left cingulate gyrus, left occipital lobe/cuneus, left middle frontal gyrus, left inferior parietal lobule, and left postcentral gyrus, while no brain region with greater white matter volume was found. Voxel-based analysis of DTI showed lower fractional anisotropy (FA) values in the right middle occipital gyrus and right supramarginal gyrus in strabismus patients, while brain region with increased FA value was found in the right inferior frontal gyrus. CONCLUSION: By combining VBM and voxel-based analysis of DTI results, the study suggests that the dorsal visual pathway was abnormal or impaired in patients with comitant exotropia

    Configurational asymmetry in vernier offset detection

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    Two psychophysical experiments were conducted at the horizontal and vertical orientations respectively, demonstrating substantial main effect of configuration, but no effect of offset direction on vernier acuity. In Experiment 1, a pair of horizontal bars were arranged side by side with a large gap between them. The observers were, on average, significantly better at discriminating a vertical offset if the right-hand bar was below the left-hand bar than vice versa, regardless of which bar they experienced as displaced and which as constant. A similar asymmetry was evident in Experiment 2 where observers judged horizontal offset for a pair of vertically oriented bars, where one was placed above the other. In this case average performance was better if the upper bar was on the right of the lower bar rather than on its left. There were large individual variations in the asymmetrical trend, but the effect could not be explained by subjective response bias. Furthermore, vernier acuity improved significantly and the asymmetry decreased more or less as a function of training. The average asymmetrical trend was consistent across training days and across two orientations, which indicates that the processing of line vernier stimuli is possibly configuration-specific in the cardinal orientation
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